
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A better world

It’s a big thing trying to make the world a better place, not to be cynic, but especially for me who has been swinging only  between Mizoram and Kolkata for the last five years, it’s easy to be  sceptic when somebody says let’s make the world a better place. The world is too huge. It is a natural thing that one new flaw or the other is coming up every minute in some place of the earth.
So forget about making the planet earth a better place. I don’t mean to sound so sulky but there is actually a point I’m trying to make here. I personally, honestly believe, with all my heart that the place for a man to be totally secure and peaceful is in him and with himself. Your world is inside you, you are your world. Objects and people occur and move around your world just like the other planets are posed near and about the planet earth in the universe. 
Although I have said this much, I don’t have any shiny advice to give you to make your world a better place. It is up to you, because to you, I am just another planet trying to find my own place around the universe. But to certain extent, I think I have settled down in my own world, in myself.
But I can share some thoughts that has helped me put down my roots in myself. I believe that you don’t need others to be happy. I know, man is a social animal, he needs society. I do not deny that universal fact. I am simply trying to point out a fact that other people may do something in your favour but what reacts to the favour that triggers your happy hormones are inside you. You are a complete being by yourself, you are not a part of anything. You are a  full being. Find it in yourself the motive behind what you do and why say the things you say.
 Maybe you say being loved makes you happy and you need another person to love you. It is true. Being loved by another human being is a priceless treasure. But if you don’t find the love deep down in yourself, and accept the love of that person in your inner being it doesn’t really mean anything.
I’m bad at expression, but I wish you all the best that one day you will be able to find your own world and make it a better place.

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